hey, welcome to my blog-thing. i'm currently using it to write a style-diary where every day (or so) i write about what i'm wearing, doing, thinking. so it's basically a blog where i also write down what i'm wearing.
we'll see how it goes, but for now, i'm happy.
hope you enjoy...
my name is molly, and i'm 15. i live in the uk and like webdesign.
love: icons, colour, pink, cardigans music, school, friends, clothes, chanel, my phone, reading, dvds, radio, jewelery, yoghurt, shoes, tv
hate: porridge, emos, haters, my paperround
TV: the office, veronica mars, greys anatomy, pushing daisies, gossip girl, sex and the city, green wing, black books
MOVIES: wimbledon, run fat boy run, bring it on, harry potter, bridget jones, pirates of the caribean, office space, but i'm a cheerleader
MUSIC: scouting for girls, the medic droid, hsm, vanessa hudgens, forever the sickest kids, keane, paramore, avril lavigne, blink 182, jesse mccartney, fallout boy
BOOKS: the serious kiss, harry potter, princess diaries, shopaholic, georgia nicholson, narnia, marian keyes
SHOPS: primark, h&m, topshop, river island, charity shops, new look, tk maxx
SITES: ♥, ♥
find me
Sunday, 14 September 2008
i'm at dads right now but i might try and do a new layout later (though it probably won't be much variation on this one because i like the style). i'm kinda upset because its been two weeks since i last saw sam, and that was only for like....5 minutes because i was so busy. so its been ages since we actually got to chat together. he wasn't in this saturday, i was last saturday and i'm not in on sundays so i dunno if he was working today. its completely annoying. btw, sams the saturday guy at the papershop, hes kinda cute, not hot, but hes like me (like alex but not so cocky) and he bought me a yorkie a few weeks ago which was nice. oh and when emily told me (when she helped me with my round a few weeks ago that he obviously liked me, i'm still not sure, but i guess it takes someone elses perspective to see things like that. anyway, hes got a girlfriend so it doesn't matter, plus hes going to uni next year. so i guess its no big if nothing happens. its just that hes the highlight of my paperround (even if i only get to see him once a week or less)
anyway, gotta go for dinner, will write more later
okay, i'm home now. like 3 hours later. i can't really be bothered to do a new layout now so i'll just wait a while. i've got about ten minutes until tess of the d'urbavilles is on which i have to watch for school, so i should go for a shower but i'll probably do it afterwards because i'm amazingly lazy.
i'm really annoyed because nbc have released another advert for the office on their website but i can't view it because of where i live. so annoyed, hopefully in a few days it'll be viewable and by then maybe even more ads'll be on tv. just 12 days until i can watch it, and greys antomy. actually after this i might try and find greys ads.
anyways, today:
Top: Pink thin smock - £5 River Island
Vest: White tank - £2 Poundstretcher
Jeans: Dark blue skinnies - £12 Store 21
oh and i've had some luck on the cheap coat search, they're selling one in h&m for £20 so i'll get that, i should have enough money by the end of the week as long as danni gives me back my money. then i won't have to worry about it, then i can worry about not having money for mums bday prezzie. shit. i need a better job.
<3 , molly.